Association Bylaws by A.R. 580759363 (hereinafter referred to as "the Association")
Subject: Letter of Commitment/Waiver
We, the undersigned, hereby declare our intent to donate computer products as specified in the accompanying form (hereinafter referred to as "the Donation").
We acknowledge the objectives of the Association and grant it full discretion to utilize the Donation as it sees fit.
Furthermore, we explicitly renounce any future demands, claims, or legal actions against the Association concerning the use of the Donation.
Association Bylaws by A.R. 580759363 (hereinafter referred to as "the Association")
Subject: Acknowledgment of Receipt/Letter of Commitment from Donation Recipient
By completing this form, I hereby affirm that I have requested and received, or had transferred to my possession, computer products as detailed in the form (hereinafter referred to as "the Donation").
I have conducted all necessary tests prior to accepting the Donation and find it suitable for my needs. I hereby waive any and all claims, demands, or actions against the Association related to the Donation.
I, along with any successors or heirs, will not have any demands or claims against the Association in relation to the Donation. Any use of the Donation is solely my own responsibility.
Application for Volunteer Position in the Association - Irrevocable Commitment
I, the undersigned________, holder of ID card number________, from________, hereby apply to be accepted as a volunteer in the “Computer from the Heart” association, ID number 580759363.
I am familiar with the association's objectives and bylaws.
If accepted, I commit to complying with the provisions set forth in the association's bylaws, the resolutions of the general assembly, and the decisions made by the association's committee.
I attest that all information and details provided by me, which will serve as the basis for my volunteer acceptance, are true and accurate.
I understand that I cannot invoke a statute of limitations, and this statement serves as a special agreement under the Statute of Limitations Act of 1958.
Computer from the heart R.A. 580759363
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